Friday, 14 October 2011


. My daughters pesters me all the time to prepare soup.  Most of the time they ask,  when I am too tired, or when I am comfortable on my fav. chair, reading my news paper.  But still I can't deny their request ..and I try to satisfy their tastebuds. On such a day, I found this Sanjeev kapoors receipe very interesting and tried too. It tastes awesome with bread croutons.

Beetroots, 3 medium, thinly sliced         
Tomato 1 big
Fresh cream
Oil 2 tablespoons,Onion-1 medium,
Garlic-2 cloves,
Potato-1 medium,
Carrots-2 medium
Black pepper powder-1/2 teaspoon,

Heat oil in a deep non-stick pan. Roughly chop onion and garlic. Add to the pan and sauté. Thinly slice potato and carrots and add. Add salt, black pepper powder and stir. Cover and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add beetroots and 2 cups water, cover and cook till the vegetables are almost done. Chop tomato and add. Cook for 10 minutes. Strain the vegetables. Allow to cool. Blend into a smooth puree adding a little cold water. Transfer puree back into the pan, add the strained cooking liquor and mix well. Heat the soup till it comes to a boil. Pour into a soup plate, garnish with cream and serve hot.

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